Behind the Scenes of "Eye of the Beholder"
Creating "Eye of the Beholder" was an unforgettable journey, full of creative challenges and valuable lessons. The film explores the dark side of the pursuit of beauty, telling the story of a woman who distorts her face so much that society rejects her, branding her as a witch. She becomes homeless, hiding in the woods, and the film ultimately examines how our judgmental views on looks can affect both our perceptions of others and ourselves. It serves as a stark reminder that there is no perfection in appearance, and striving for it can be perilous.
Filming was an incredible experience. The small, dedicated crew and talented actors made every moment memorable. However, one significant lesson stood out: always check the weather. On one of our main filming days, I failed to do so, leading us to film on the same day as the actors without knowing a storm was coming. As the rain started pouring, I insisted we continue, not realizing the severity of the impending storm. Eventually, we had to abandon the shoot, drenched and defeated, and reschedule for another day.
This mistake made me question my leadership abilities, as I felt responsible for putting everyone through such an ordeal. It was a humbling experience that taught me the importance of preparation and being mindful of unforeseen circumstances. Despite this setback, the support from the crew and the camaraderie we shared helped me realize that mistakes are part of the learning process.
"Eye of the Beholder" not only pushed my creative boundaries but also reinforced my commitment to growth and improvement. Moving forward, I'll carry these lessons with me, ensuring that each project is a step closer to a better film, both in execution and storytelling.